Sunday, August 31, 2008
West Piney Girls Camp
Anyone who has been to this lodge knows it is famous for it's giant silver slide. As a kid I had no fear of sliding on it, but as an adult I see it with different eyes. I also get to hear all the stories that go with the slide. When we were kids, the teen age boys would put a hose on it and ride it with wax paper- Cuh-RAZY! My brother did that and threw out his back. He had to lay on his bed the rest of the reunion cuz he couldn't move. I saw a little girl ride it safely down until she got to the bottom where she turnded on her belly and hit here head on the slide. She cut her forehead and started bleeding. You know how head wounds are. Last reunion an adult cousin slit the side of his hand on the side of the slide. He was an oral surgeon so he had to go and get it stitched up right away. When we tell and retell the stories you hear all the grandma's going on about how it needs to be taken down and how it's so dangerous. But if you did there would go the lodge's legacy. So amazingly enough the slide is still there. And they're making improvements. They made the slide longer so you don't fly off the end as often. A youth group helped build an actual stairway. The started doing something else to it when we left this year. Here is a clip of me going down it. Notice how someone in the background happens to whistle at just the right time as I say, "Holy!" Don't worry I didn't say anything else after that, but you can hear the whistle. I kind of lose control at the end, but it's scary :). Let it benoted that I did ride it. At the last reunion, Remi rode it with no carpet. His rubber soles hit the slide at the bottom and he fell forward and hit his face on the slide. He was sobbing when he said, "I don't ever want to do that again(sob) (I was thinking YES!) without a carpet." So he climbed back up and slid down again with a carpet. He was only 4! Oh, I also remember my grandpa going down the slide. I couldn't believe my eyes. And I think it was before the extended the slide because at the end he totally cartwheeled and somersaulted- I wish I had recorded that! I'm pretty bad at taking video so please have patience with these. This last day everyone kept flying off the end so I kept recording.
Family Reunion

So they're called the wind caves. And that's because there's a breeze blowing through it which you don't hear or feel until you get to a tight space. Then the wind is whipping through the small hole trying to get through it. This 2nd picture is of the entrance to the cave. You cross that water and then climb up to the left. That is where the entrance is. You can fill your water bottle with cold, fresh, filtered water- for a small fee. Just kidding, but wouldn't it b
e funny to see someone set up a little table selling it? (Kind of like the guy who set up a message table next to the green belt with a poster trying to sell a swedih message.) 3rd pic.- A pitcure of part of the gang that went into the cave.

On this pic. we were walking along a ledge. Matt is helping Natalie along. I was thrilled she went because she's afraid of the dark and heights. Is it normal for 4th graders to all of a sudden get all these fears of things she was never afraid of before? The ledge wasn't too difficult. just a little intimidating.

And we went through all that trouble for this- a black hole. This spot is where it joins with the other cave. There is an ice cave that sits above the wind cave, but that requires repelling and other specialized gear to get to. At this point in the cave, there are metal brackets on either side of the wall where people hook up their gear.
All in all I would call it a good day :).
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
A tribute to Chicago (oh, how I miss you).

When I married and moved to Vernal, Utah from Chicago, I noticed not everyone used the same terms as me. So I started questioning myself thinking I was just making suff up. Eventually, I changed some of my terminology so that I wouldn't sound weird or so I wouldn't have to explain myself. So when I got this email it made me realize I wasn't weird. I was just from Chicago.
CHICAGO SLANG 1. Grachki (grach'-key): Chicagoese for 'garage key' as in, Yo, Theresa, waja do wit da grachki? Howmy supposta cut da grass if I don't git intada grach?'
*I don't know if I've ever heard someone call a garage key a grachki, but it definitely sounds like someone's last name.

2. Sammich: Chicagoese for sandwich. When made with sausage, it's a sassage sammich; when made with shredded beef, it's an Italian Beef sammich, a local delicacy consisting of piles of spicy meat in a perilously soggy bun.
*Now and then I'll call it a sammich just for fun, but sausage is definitely pronounced sassage by a lot of people- maybe even me. And see- Italian Beef is real. I didn't make that up either!
3. Jewels: Not family heirlooms or a tender body region, but a popular name for one of the region's dominant grocery store chains. 'I'm goin' to the Jewels to pick up some sassage.
*This is where my mom bought groceries.
5. Field's: Marshall Field, a prominent Chicago department store. Also Carson Pirie Scott, another major department store chain, is simply called Carson 's.
*Generally, I walked through these stores to get to the more teenage affordable stores at the mall.
'6. Tree: The number between two and four. 'We were lucky dat we only got tree inches of snow da udder night.' *True dat.

7. Kaminski Park : The mispronounced name of the ballpark where the Chicago White Sox (da Sox) play baseball. Comiskey Park was renamed U.S. Cellular Field (da Cell)
*It's sad that it had to be renamed. Dumb sponsor stuff.
9. Frunchroom: As in, 'Get outta da frunchroom wit dose muddy shoes.' It's not the 'parlor.' It's not the 'living room.' In the land of the bungalow, it's the 'frunchroom,' a named derived, linguists believe, from 'front room.'
*This is a perfect example of Chicagoese. Doesn't this sound like a made up word? I always said frunchroom and then I lived in Utah and wondered if it was a real word. As an adult I finally realized it meant front room. Then I started calling it a front room or living room so people would understand what I meant. I still like the sound of frunchroom better.
10. Use: Not the verb, but the plural pronoun 'you!' 'Where use goin'?'11. Downtown: Anywhere near The Lake, south of The Zoo (Lincoln Park Zoo) and north of Soldier Field.
*I kid you not about a year ago I was talking to an aunt and she asked me- how's use guys?
11. Braht: Short for Bratwurst. 'Gimme a braht wit kraut.'
12. Goes: Past or present tense of the verb 'say.' For example, 'Den he goes, 'I like this place'!'
16. Guys: Used when addressing two or more people, regardless of each individual's gender.
*I have gotten wierd looks from my young women when I started by saying, "Hey, guys." Now you know why I say it.
17. Pop: A soft drink. Don't say 'soda' in this town. 'Do ya wanna canna pop?'
*It is pop and no

18. Sliders: Nickname for hamburgers from White Castle , a popular Midwestern burger chain. 'Dose sliders I had last night gave me da runs.
*Ewww. I have never liked White Castle, but I remember my dad buying like 50 of them once. Pretty sure we ate them all. They're just small hamburgers.
19. Cuppa Too-Tree: is Chicagoese for 'a couple, two, three' which really means 'a few.' For example, 'Hey Mike, dere any beerz left in da cooler over by dere?''Yeh, a cuppa too-tree.
*Matt and I have actually got in an arguement over the definition of couple. He thinks a couple means two- NOT!
20 Junk Dror: You will usually find the 'junk drawer' in the kitchen filled to the brim with miscellaneous, but very important, junk.
*The top drawer of my clothes dresser when I was a kid. Now they're all over. Where is your junk drawer?
21. Gym Shoes: The rest of the country may refer to them as sneakers or running shoes but Chicagoans will always call them gym shoes!
*You mean not everyone calls them gym shoes?
There was more slang, but I just kept the ones that applied to me. Besides, I thought this was getting too lengthy.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Fall is a melancholic time for me.( Ok, so it's not fall yet, but it's coming and just the thought of fall is melancholic.) It's that feeling you get when you take the Christmas tree down. You've had all this build up, you have your fun and then all of a sudden it's over. I just love summer. It's ok to play all summer long as long as I have the kids with me. (This is just my own reasoning.) Sure the house is constantly a mess, but if we get bored we put on our suits and go swimming somewhere. This summer it's been Eagle Island a lot. It's like instant happiness and the kids get along. Happy kids=heaven. And they always seem to be happy when they're swimming (it's an added bonus if there's sand to dig or frogs they can catch). Plus, I don't have to do any entertaining. I mostly just sit and watch until it gets too hot. So I'm never fully prepared for the kids to go back to school. My reason for going to the beach is gone. And I have to be Grant's entertainment.
Another reason fall gets me down is I don't get to go back to school. Well, technically, I could, but we all know the difference. I loved the feeling of seeing friends you didn't see all summer and catching up. As I mentioned in the previous blog, I loved the social aspects of school and everything school had to offer. I loved knowing lots of people from the different sport teams and from after school clubs. I didn't even mind going to classes. I liked almost all of my teachers. So I have great school memories. Which I am finding out not everyone liked school. Maybe I'm the minority, but I still miss it.
Another reason fall gets me down is I don't get to go back to school. Well, technically, I could, but we all know the difference. I loved the feeling of seeing friends you didn't see all summer and catching up. As I mentioned in the previous blog, I loved the social aspects of school and everything school had to offer. I loved knowing lots of people from the different sport teams and from after school clubs. I didn't even mind going to classes. I liked almost all of my teachers. So I have great school memories. Which I am finding out not everyone liked school. Maybe I'm the minority, but I still miss it.
Back to School
Last Thursday I registered Porter for middle school. I am excited for him to take his next step. To gain a little more independence, to start hanging with friends after school and watching the school team play a ball game. Of course, I'm thinking of all the fun social aspects of school. Then I talked to my brother about signing Porter up and his response was "Oh no, this is when it all begins." I didn't know what he was talking about since I enjoyed all my school years and what they had to offer. So he told me how guys wanted to beat him up for no reason. Just random people thinking they could pick an easy fight. Well, my brother taught them a lesson, but for Porter- is this something that will really happen? I know it 's real, but I didn't ever have to see it. I just envision Porter putting himself in invisibility mode- if I duck my head and quietly walk away no one will notice I'm gone. Pretty much what he does at home when I tell him to mow the lawn. In fact, he just did this two minutes ago and now he's watching Sat. morning cartoons instead of getting the lawn mower out. Ok, he proved me wrong- YEAH! Anyway, I am naively excited for Porter to start middle school and hope that he has a good school experience! Plus, he got picked to be a kitchen helper so he can earn a free hot lunch and 50 cents a day. Now, you just can't beat that!
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