Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Don't worry, I'm not in a depression or anything. After that blog about fall and it making me sad I was worried that you might be worried about me. I quickly adjusted to the kids being gone for school and immediately decided I would start decluttering my house. Well, I'm still hoping to declutter because it seems like when you juststart to believe you're going to have extra time on your hands you fill it up with other things which is what I've done. We put in a new to us computer desk on Sunday and today I've finally got things back to looking semi normal. I couldn't do it alone- I have to thank the t.v. for keeping Grant entertained. He started watching it 2 days ago and was completely mesmerized by it today. One of those double-edged swords.

So I read this article in the Readers Digest. This lady left her son in a department store in N.Y. City with $20 and a bus schedule to let him find his way home. She didn't even give him a cell phone.
Apparently, the son had been begging his mom to let him do this for a couple of years.
She said that he came home 45 min later w/ a grin on his face. I'm impressed he knows how to read a bus schedule. I've tried figuring out Chicago's and I can't ever get it. Anyway, I'm not as brave? as this mom but I do say Kudos! This mom inspired me to let my 7 yr old go the block to the park with just the dog. No older bro. or sis. and he came back pretty dang happy- not to mention "he made 4 friends." That's in his own words. The sad thing is I completely forgot he was gone until he came in walking through the door.

1 comment:

heAtHeR said...

LOVE it! Thanks for sharing!