Wednesday, July 30, 2008


OK, I just saw the movie Juno and am in a reflective mood. Juno is a cross between Napoleon Dynamite and (some other movie that just left my head- if you can think of it feel free to let me know). I figured it out- it's the 70's show. Matt and I swore we weren't going to see this movie about teenage pregnancy because if we watched it then we were supporting it which means we're supporting teenage pregnancy- or something like that. When Matt was at work, he had a co-worker talk about how on his way out from seeing Juno he overheard one teenager telling another, "See, it wouldn't be so bad to be pregnant." That really bugged us. Then I had a friend who did like the movie so we thought we would break down, watch it and form our own opinion. And the verdict is...I liked it. I'm a little ashamed to admit it though. My conscience says there's nothing funny about getting knocked up at 16, however Juno is a funny girl. The way they talk though made me feel old cuz I couldn't understand half of their lingo. Anyhow, I'm tired so good night.

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