Monday, October 27, 2008

Smelly Boys

What is it with 12 years olds? I love my 12 yr old. He has really shown a lot of responsibility. In fact, last Sunday he woke up me and Matt at 7:50 asking if there was church. I said yes and told him to get in the shower. Well, he had already taken one. Matt pinched me and I wasn't dreaming. Po did something he needed to do without me asking. It was so awesome! He was waking us up to get ready for church. He hasn't complained that he needs to be at church early to help with chairs and he can't wait to do temple baptisms again. He's enjoying scouts and playing basketball(we forced him to try out). I realize this may wear off, but for now I'm thrilled that he has had a good attitude about these things. However, I tend to lose sight of this and ride him pretty hard about other things. I have a hard time looking past his B.O. problem. I swear sometimes he's cultivating onions in his pores. I can't believe how bad he stinks! He showers and deodorizes daily! And it's not just his armpits, but his feet too. I feel sorry for these middle school teachers that are near these kids everyday. Someone with boys please tell me this is normal and he will figure it out. Lie if you have to or else give some really good advice.


Robin said...

Been there, smelled that. Gabe was my stinkiest. I use to stand outside the bathroom door while he showered and yell, "Did you use soap and scrub hard!?" I gave him lessons on how to wash EVERYTHING.

His room was the worst. I could hardly walk past without gagging. If the sheets didn't get washed every week and the floor vacuumed every week his room would stink up the entire house. You could almost smell it outside.

Luckly, he grew out of it and smells fine now that the dreadlocks are gone.

It's just Barb said...

I can't believe you blogged about Po's BO! You are hilarious! Good to see you blogging again. Sorry about you being sick, I have been sick too and it stinks!