Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween 2008

After 3 hours of trick or treating, the results are in: Remi wins with 4lbs 4oz, Nata 4 lbs 1 oz, Grant 3 lbs 4oz. I ate some of Grant's oz and I'm sure gained lbs. This is about the only time of the year where I'll let myself eat actual candy bars. I will never go out and just buy candy bars. I prefer cookies and brownies. That way I don't actually know the amount of what I've taken. I've started with the Kit Kat's. Then I'm thinking of moving onto either Snicker's or Reese's- ok, Snickers (Mmm, good choice.). Anyway, back to Halloween. Grant was a trooper! He walked or ran the whole time up until the last 15 min. It was so cute to see is bumblebee bottom bounce with each step. The last few houses we went to took a heroic effort just to get up the step. He even grunted to get up that step. As we trick or treated, he had his own set of rules he went by too: #1 I couldn't hold him if I was wearing the mask, and #2 I couldn't get closer than the sidewalk. I guess he just wanted to feel like a big kid.

I did a few things different this year. I bought the kids costumes from Savers which I don't know why I haven't done this sooner. So much cheaper and less hassle. Also, I dressed up. This was a last minute throw together. I was just going to wear the mask, but then decided a hat would look good with it and then planned the clothes with to go with it. This was a $1.00 costume- for the mask. So I'm pretty thrilled. Not to mention no one could recognize me. Also, when I see the pictures I don't have to see how much older I keep looking.
Natalie had a great costume. She was a deviled egg. It was funny to see how long it took for people to realize what she was. Some people just never got it.
Remi was a cute dinosaur. All big and puffy and ready for the cold weather. It was supposed to see 70* today so instead he was toasty.

Matt bought the guy's mask. I thought we were a cute couple. He just needed a cigar for his costume.

Porter was the King of Comeback. This was his idea and I thought it was pretty good. Atleast he found a costume for him. He did not go trick or treating. He doesn't like candy so he usually walks around with us or passes out candy. This year he went with a friend and their family to the field of screams- a haunted corn maze or something, I'm not really sure. Since 12 seems to be the age where people don't let their kids trick or treat he was able to go play. I think 12 is still too young to stop.
Tomorrow we will go to the Dillon's Haunted House- YEAH!


Art said...

You and Matt look freaky. You should wear the mask everyday.

angieska said...

Youse guys are wierd! Even da kids is wierd! What kinda shus u wearing, youse looks like a giant an what did matt do to his hair?