Thursday, November 6, 2008

Tag, I'm it!

Ok, Kim tagged me so I thought I'd play along.

8 t.v shows I love to watch
1. the Office
2. Heroes
3. 24
4. Supernanny
5. Wife Swap
6,7, and 8 are up for discussion

8, no 9, Favorite places to eat
1. Costco- where else can you eat lunch for $1.50
2. McDonald's- exciting, I know.
3. Sizzler
4. a good pizza place
6. Portillos
7. Costa Vida
8. My house
9. Stephanie's house

8 things I did yesterday
1. Volunteered at Lowell Scott Book Fair
2. Ate Halloween Candy
3. Went to parent/teacher conferences
4. PTO meeting
5. Met with the school principal
6. Ate Papa Johns (the only reason to buy it is for that darn garlic butter!)
7. Mailed a CD
8. Watched Nancy Drew with the kids- and enjoyed it!

8 things I am looking forward to
1. Fewer kids games in January
2. Family at Thanksgiving
3. Christmas Season
4. Me and Matt going to Hawaii
5. Grant being potty trained
6. A raise in pay
7. Having little to do on my PTO agenda for the Xmas season
8. Next summer

8 things on my wish list
1. Lose weight
2. Get back into some sort of shape- preferably not a pear
3. Sell our truck
4. Grant potty training himself (soon)
5. People on the other team would like me after a basketball game (I have issues with this)
6. That I knew how to decorate
7. A house where Porter could have his own room (don't worry, it's not happening).
8. Go to Chicago next summer

8 people I tag
1. Mo
2. Phil and Courtney
3. Barbara
4. Heather
5,6,7,8 Anyone else who wants to be tagged


Robin said...

So...the CD will be here tomorrow right?

Since when do you care if people on the other team like you!?

heAtHeR said...

by Heather, do you mean me??!