Saturday, January 10, 2009

"'cary noman"

Grant's scary snowman.
We had to hurry and build this snowman before he melted. It was drizzling as we built him. By the end of the day he was a hunchback.

Fig leaves =modest snowman

Snowman kit means the buttons stay on and face stay on. Thanks, Aunt Janalee. The kit was perfect!
Now, it looked like Grant didn't have a problem helping with the snowman, but he wouldn't let me take a picture of him with it. " 'Cary 'nowman" (Scary snowman) so we had to take a picture together with it.

1 comment:

Phil, Courtney, and Aiden said...

thats so funny! Grant cracks me up! he probably didn't want to turn his back to it, duh!