Friday, October 2, 2009

Really, really, big nuff. Does anyone translate 3 yr old speak?

Ok, so I'm getting a veneer in about a week and I'm nervous again. I've always had this crooked tooth and as I've gotten older it's turned more. For years I've gone back and forth about getting a venner, I mean, this is my signature tooth. If years down the road someone didn't recognize me they could identify me by my crooked tooth. Ya know? This has been my tooth for 36 years now (well, ok subtract a few years for my baby teeth), I'm a little attached to it. I'm always worry what if I don't like it when it's done? It's not like I can go back to the old tooth. Now, I know my dentist is very capable of making my teeth beautiful, but the underlying fear and uncertainty is always there. Bet you didn't know I was such a 'fraidy cat.

1 comment:

Robin said...

I know just the tooth you are talking about. Is Dr. Cutler doing it? It will look great.